Ginton Abbey Volume One & Two Well

Ginton Abbey Volume One & Two Well, here I am! Writing my first ever news/blog thingyameebob about my books. A daunting task, as I’ve never written anything like this before (not in all my 50ish years!) What do I write? Most likely something about the books I’m guessing?! Mmmmm, let’s think here . . . Well, the covers & blurb on the books give very, very little away. In fact, they give nothing away. Those of you of a nervous disposition look away now & find something in The Reader’s Digest, because you’ll be shocked by its contents. (Yes, I’m being thoroughly honest here!) The book’s contents are filled with Edwardian innuendo, profanity, debauchery & filth & all done in the best possible taste of course! Anyone who has a fabulous sense of humour, from 18 to 80 (& possibly beyond if you like this sort of thing!) will love these books. Their historically hysterical & with plenty of laugh out loud moments, just be cautious where you read, as others will ask what all the laughter is about. Then you’ll have to tell them, or even read to them from the book! Whatever you do, please take all it’s silliness, filth & fun with a huge pinch of salt, as a sense of humour (as I said before) is definitely required! If you enjoy, then do please leave a review. Share with your likeminded family & friends. Give the books as gifts or pass on for others to borrow. My only wish is to make people laugh & I hope my mere scribblings in my novellas, make that happen. Cheers to you all my lovelies 🍸


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